Please call us at 516.432.4386
Seaside Celebrations offers affordable, safe & creative childcare where the focus is on fun!
A gentle way to introduce your little one to fun away from home. Your toddler will play, learn, and socialize.
Monday - Friday 12:30 - 3 your child will have a fun, loving, safe place to come & play after Pre-K.
Drop off or get them bussed straight Seaside!
(You can choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days)
Need an affordable option for summer activities for your child?
We offer 2 sessions:
9:30-12 & 12:30-3.
Indoor/Outdoor play.
1/2 OFF for siblings!!
Let US do ALL the work!
Fun, affordable birthday parties for children of all ages. Many birthday party packages to choose from.
We can accommodate any theme.
Drop the kids OFF for some FUN!
Go to dinner, see a movie or just relax...
EVERY Friday & Saturday from 5 - 10pm